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10 years of Electrolight

10 years of Electrolight lighting design by Electrolight
Posted on
May 23rd 2014
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Studio News

It is with a great deal of pride that we announce the tenth anniversary of Electrolight.

I started the firm in 2004 with the notion that there was a space in the market for a specialist lighting design firm that wasn’t tied to a multi-disciplinary engineering firm, that was free from ties to manufacturers and that was able to take on projects large and small so long as they were interesting.

And here we are, 10 years later, having completed in excess of 500 projects from roads to hotels, from casinos to stadiums, from office buildings to town centres with just about everything imaginable in between. Such a wide range of projects but a couple of things in common–wonderful clients who see what a difference good lighting can make and the fantastic creativity and dedication from our team (past and present) who have been so wonderful over the years.

In 2012 we expanded to establish our Sydney office led by Donn Salisbury. Donn and his team have made a great start, have won a lighting design IES Award of Excellence (already!) and are well placed to build on this success into the future.

Last year we established our permanent home in Melbourne, having the privilege of choosing our own space and having a fantastic fit-out designed just for us and to suit our working method of creativity and collaboration.

But that’s enough of reminiscing. While I’m proud of what’s been achieved to date, we’ve really only just begun. Where to from here? Watch this space…