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Social Media at Electrolight

Social Media at Electrolight lighting design by Electrolight
Posted on
February 22nd 2011
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Close followers of Electrolight may have noticed that we have been doing more in the social media space with our Twitter and Facebook pages augmenting this blog.  The reason for this is that we believe that the work we do, our process and what we believe in are worth sharing.

It has been so interesting to watch the explosion in social media in recent years – I remember being inspired when I came across BLDG BLOG, especially when I heard its author Geoff Manaugh speak to the architecture conference that Terroir orgainised a couple of years ago.  I started writing this blog around that time.

There are now a number of local architects that blog and tweet – Andrew Maynard, Stuart Harrison, Marcus Trimble, Antony Di Mase to name but a few; and their number of followers suggest that there is a genuine interest. But we hear very little from other lighting practitioners apart from the large manufacturers from overseas and the occasional high-end consultancy such as Spiers and Major.

Why is this? A fear of divulging company secrets? Not enough hours in the day? I’d rather make the time and if anyone would like to copy any our our designs or process we would be very flattered indeed.

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