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LightCycle Wrap

LightCycle Wrap lighting design by Electrolight
Posted on
July 31st 2009
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Cool things we've seen
Studio News

LightCycle is 2009 is over and all that remains is for me to wrap things up.

LightCycle 2009 has been a great success.  Many thanks to everyone who has got involved and made it what it was.  So many people to thanks – my team at Electrolight (especially our new permanent team member Amelia), the State of Design Festival team, Guildford Lane Gallery, the sponsors, judges and of course everybody who entered.

Some highlights for me were the opening night – soooo many people!!!  The diversity of entries – loved the piss jelly of Christ from James Staughton although we’re still wondering what that has to do with sustainability.  The craftsmanship of so many entries and, of course, our winners.

And talking of winners – the votes have been counted (literally hundreds of them) and we have a people’s choice winner: Specular from Giles Matthews.  Giles is now looking for a bigger place to live as he has won the “No Copy” pendant from uber-trendy Belgian lighting company Dark.  The pendant is massive!  Thanks to Inlite for donating this prize.

Look out for LightCycle when it comes around again in 2011.  Meanwhile, if you have any comments or feedback relating to LightCycle please post it on this blog.

Cheers, Paul

People's choice winner - Specular by Giles Matthews

People's choice winner - Specular by Giles Matthews