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Top Acts 2009

Top Acts 2009 lighting design by Electrolight
Posted on
May 23rd 2009
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Last night I attended Top Acts 2009 at a full Hamer Hall.

I was invited because Electrolight’s Rachel Burke and John Ford designed the lighting for the show in collaboration with artistic director Naomi Edwards.  Top Acts is a concert presenting drama, theatre, group and solo music, and dance performances by VCE Performing arts students as part of the annual VCE Season of Excellence.

The sheer talent on display was breathtaking, given the performers would not be old enough to buy a drink in the bar after the show.  Highlights for me were Josh Rogan with an amazing trumpet solo, Darcy Brown with a monologue from Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman and the breathtaking music group performance of Prayer for the Children by Jemal Blakkarly, Andrew Bird, Luke Stevenson and Lindsay Ondracek.

And needless to say, the lighting looked absolutely stunning!
