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MIDSUMMA 2010 lighting design by Electrolight
Posted on
December 3rd 2009
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Studio News

It’s official – at Electrolight we love Midsumma.

So much so, in fact, that we are designing an amazing feature wall of light for the T Dance party on 17 January 2010.  How can I get involved, I hear you think?  Watch this space.  In the next few days we will be posting some our ideas and putting them out there for you to comment and vote on.  Basically, we have 100 fluoros (donated by our friends at Concord Sylvania) of various colours that we will arrange into  a wonder-wall of light.  There will be various configuration that you will be able to vote on – whichever is the most popular option will be installed on the day.  And we might even throw in a pair of tickets to the event for one lucky camper.
