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Friday night at Watergardens

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December 2nd 2009
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Who said that we don’t have a life at Electrolight?

Last Friday night a few of our team went out to Watergardens to a nice greek tavern in the restaurant precinct.  Why, I hear you ask?  Of course it was to see our catenary lighting system in the flesh for the first time since the champagne bottle was broken over the bows of the Norka fittings a few weeks ago.  We were pleased to see that there were no Christmas stars, sleighs or santas hanging from the wires.  Not yet, anyway.

The lighting scheme aims to create a link between the Watergardens railway station and the new complex located adjacent.  Artistic representation of crossing and curving railway tracks lead you into the centre of the complex from the stations exit.

If you’re stuck for something to do on a Friday night we recommend taking the  Sydnham line and get off at Watergardens station.



Horatio Burton, Amelia Kendall, Rosana Saleme, Jess Perry, Michael Castledine (Guest)