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Midsumma T Dance

Midsumma T Dance lighting design by Electrolight
Posted on
January 19th 2010
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The weather just about held out and we were able to show off the winning design at T Dance.  It was a close run thing, mind.  All of the lights we borrowed for the show were IP 20 (in other words not water-proof).  While I had reservations I was assured by Tim Bateson of the Midsumma committee that it NEVER rains on T dance and that all would be cool.  I mean, what could possibly go wrong strapping 100 mains voltage, non-waterproof lights to a metal fence in the rain?

Of course Tim was right, the rain held off and we were able to fire up the coloured fluoros which seemed to be a hit with the punters that I spoke with.

To the committee of Midsumma, thank you for inviting us to be involved with your event this year.  I know how special this event is to the community and it has been such fun to get involved.  I hope that you invite us back next year.


Photos by the lights

A wandering line of light

A wandering line of light