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Culture and leadership

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September 21st 2011
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I recently had the pleasure of spending some time with the leadership group of Zumtobel.

Zumtobel is an Austrian lighting manufacturer who produces high quality luminaires servicing the architectural lighting market. The Australian branch of the company is based in Sydney and run by Marianna Jackson.  Marianna’s team that I met has worked with her on average well in excess of 10 years. There is a camaraderie among the team and a genuine fondness and respect for one another that was as delightful to see as it was unusual.  The team were also united behind the product range that they represent, absolutely.

I have been reading Tribal Leadership by Dave Logan et al recently as well as other stuff on heroic versus port-heroic leadership styles.  A strong company culture such as that created and then nurtured by Marianna is very special.  When I asked her about it, of course she played it down but it was evident that she treats her team with respect, provides them with the support and encouragement they need to grow and has fun along the way.

No wonder they stick around.