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First lights switched on at Perth theatre

First lights switched on at Perth theatre lighting design by Electrolight
Posted on
February 10th 2010
Posted in
Studio News
Studio Work

It’s not all glamour being a lighting designer you know.

Last week, Jess and I left Melbourne and took the early flight to Perth to visit the site of the New Performing Arts Centre.  With the time difference we arrived at lunchtime Melbourne time which was of course the start of the day in Perth.  Our hosts (the wonderful Kerry Hill Architects) had put together a schedule of meetings, inspections and visits to keep us busy.  After the first 2 or 3 meetings out stomachs were rumbling.  There was talk of a visit to the Shangai restaurant.  Our mouths were watering but instead we were off to an aluminium pipe factory on the outskirts of Perth to look at a prototype of the ‘bronze box’ chandelier for the main entrance (see below).


By now we were weak with hunger.  It was by now almost 6pm Melbourne time, we’d been on the go all day and all we’d eaten was an Uncle Toby muesli bar.  At one stage Jess thought he was on a set from Survivor.  We think the chandelier was OK, hard to tell, eye watering by now.  Eventually we made it to the Shanghai and was restored sufficiently to tackle the afternoon’s schedule.

The timing of our trip was opportune.  There was quite some excitement amongst the sparkies – the first lights had been wired and were awaiting switch-on.  We were honoured to witness the event – some humble fluoro downlights illuminating the studio theatre rehearsal space but nonetheless an important milestone.  And did they look OK?  We think so; see below.  Plenty of light, nice and even, no unsightly scallops – we’ll settle for that.


More inspections, another meeting and then we’re done, just in time to check out the eateries of Northbridge.  By now it’s past midnight Melbourne time.  Its late when we get back to the hotel and then we’re up again at 4.30 to catch the red-eye back to Melbourne with mission accomplished.

Don’t get me wrong, we love it really!