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Going Local

Going Local lighting design by Electrolight
Posted on
June 30th 2009
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Yesterday I attended a conference organised by the wonderfully talented Village Well.  The conference was called Going Local: Supporting Sustainable, Resilient Businesses and Communities.

The key note speaker was Michael Shuman who is the Vice President for Enterprise Development for the Training and Development Corporation of Bucksport, Maine.  A noted economist, attorney, entrepreneur and author, he is widely recognised for his research into the economic benefits of small scale business in an era of globalisation.

Michael spoke about the cost multiplication benefit of supporting local businesses in comparison to global chains and estimates that approximately 3 times the profits go to the local community when local businesses are supported.  Michael also encouraged our local leaders at council and state government level to look at where revenue “leaks” from our economies when non-local companies and chains supply our local needs when there is often a perfectly good local alternative.

The discussions prompted me to think about what we do in our practice.  Whilst it’s always tempting to specify the glamorous overseas products, there is often a really good local equivalent.  We have some good home-grown designers and manufacturers such as Dean Phillips, Darkon, Masson, Lumascape, Dynalite, Moonlighting, Planet Lighting and others beside.  We at Electrolight we will continue to support these firms and our local economies and communities as much as we can.

Also speaking was Village Well’s director Gilbert Rochecouste, dressed in an especially loud blue chequered suit!  I think it’s the first conference I have been to where someone has entertained the audience with a bongo drum.  Those who have met Gilbert will not be surprised by this revelation.

Gilbert has worked with around 200 communities and is passionately interested in place making, asking the question “how can we really work together to harness the leadership and creativity in our communities and enrich our lives?”  Gilbert showed us examples of where his practice has worked with communities to facilitate a “reconnection with place” at a deep level; renewing communities and eco systems, redefining business and community growth, wellbeing and responsibility.

Link here to Michael Shuman You Tube
