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Midsumma vote - and the winner is...

Posted on
January 13th 2010
Posted in

Thank you so much to all of you who voted, great that so many of you care about these things!  By a whisker it’s design no 2.  And the winner of the pair of tickets is VINNIE P – love your comment which we feel really sums up what the installation is all about.  Vinnie wrote:

“#2 for me. I liked 1, but then 2 seemed more psychedelic and more fitting for an outdoor dance party. I love how the lights are all connected at the beginning and end, but seem to become separated and distant in the middle. #2 seems more like a celebration, just like Midsumma and T – Dance itself.”

Well done Vinnie, a pair of tickets is on its way to you.  And thanks again for everyone who has got involved.  I hope to chat with some of you on Sunday (I’ll be the one hanging out near the fence all evening!)

Cheers Paul