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Moving to Ringwood

Moving to Ringwood lighting design by Electrolight
Posted on
August 14th 2009
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Last night Amelia and I made a trip out to Ringwood to play with some lights!  Electrolight is supporting our friend and neighbour Village Well through designing the lighting for the launch and ongoing presentation of Moving.  Moving is a community arts project located at a number of currently empty shops close to Eastland Shopping Centre.  The project will breathe life into these spaces and celebrate Ringwood’s rich history, at the same time identifying with the transition that a proposed redevelopment will bring into the future.  Below is a sneak preview of one of the spaces that we were playing in last night.

This project has been made possible through the generous support of Concord Sylvania who have lent us all the fabulous equipment.  Thank you on behalf of Electrolight and everyone else involved with the project.
