I have been overwhelmed with the feedback from The Meaning of Light…
Just a short note, to say thank you for putting on such a fantastic show last night. I really enjoyed it, the nature of the talks certainly kept the cold at bay for me. Sure when you have such an interesting diverse group of speakers there will be highs and not so highs – Rachel’s letter was powerful and heart-felt; Rafael’s talk was captivating, Matt Irwin’s images were mesmerizing, for example. DAVID ROOKE
Last night was great! You pulled off a really balanced and informative evocation of the power of light to touch people. Well done! I could relate to all speakers, but was blown away by Rachel Burke’s love letter to light, and Rafael’s interactive light installations. MALCOM MUNRO
Your gig last night was terrific. All the presenters were interesting and gave me things to think about, but I was particularly moved by Rachel’s letter — I hope she gets it published somewhere, because it’s really well written and worth a wider audience. All in all, a great success. MICHAEL MUETZELFELDT
Well done last might, we all really enjoyed the event and the diversity of speakers, I think we are heading down there tonight again at 6.30pm! MARK GRAHAM
last night’s “The meaning of Light” talk was great! Everyone seemed to find the speakers really interesting. I found Rafael’s presentation quite inspiring. CATRIONA SIMMONS
Paul – great night. Well done. Cheers Mark MARK HAYCOX
Just a quick note to say thanks for organising Thursday night – despite the cold, it was inspirational to hear others talk about what light meant to them. Rachel, I particularly enjoyed your letter (PS you’re not the only one that looks at traffic lights and other lit objects to try and guess the Rosco/Lee colour equivalents!). I’m looking forward to dragging the kids to Fed Square one night to be mesmerised by Rafael’s installation. In the meantime, thanks again and keep up the great work! JOE CASAMENTO
I thought the whole thing was quite a success, despite my own views about some of the activities presented. Paul deserves a great deal of credit, not least for the breadth of aspects covered and his skilled handling of the introductions. The smooth running of the show was clearly due to the efforts and competence of several people, certainly including yourself (Samantha) BARRY CLARK
Just a quick note to say thanks for both the organization and inspiration for the event last night……I thought it was wonderful-particularly because of the thought you gave to its composition. I got some really nice feedback and I think it will be great to continue this theme into the future…..thanks so much again for your enthusiasm and support. I ran into Rafael this morning and he was so complimentary! KATE BRENNAN
Thanks again for a great night, I think that it was an amazing time and so well put together.. JOE NORSTER
I didn’t a chance last night amongst the crowd at the end to properly thank you for organising last night. I thought that it was very insightful to hear from such a diversified cohort of speakers who had such a common interest DAVID HOWARD
I really enjoyed the other night and was sorry I had to leave after Joe’s guerrilla lighting explanation. I was particularly touched by Rachel’s letter to light which as you said on the night was just beautiful. It also unearthed a side to light that I had never considered. I don’t think I will ever look at the cross fade of the traffic lights in the same way again! STEVE GRENDA
Rafael Lozano-Hemmer's Solar Equation