A discrete, energy efficient fluorescent batten is integrated into each plasterglass ceiling panel serving to create a stunning visual effect when viewed collectively across the ceiling plane. Lighting within the plaster glass ceiling panels utilises T5 lamps with bent over ends. This was selected to avoid dark ends and to give the architecture a clean consistent finish.
This treatment not only highlights the ceiling in an interesting way also serves to provide the illuminance levels appropriate to the space without the need for supplementary lighting. The light fixtures are dimmable, maximising energy efficiency and fell well within the budget parameters of the project.
The lighting for the foyer has been designed to create a pleasant, glare-free and well lit entry space. Fluorescent and LED lamps were chosen due to their energy efficiency, good colour rendition (Ra) and long lamp life. Additional lighting has been built into coves and recesses to create a seamless, integrated lighting scheme.
The entire lighting scheme is dimmable via a DSI control system which supports a number of programmed states which support the function and activity of the building across a 24 hour cycle