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Tape Melbourne

Tape Melbourne lighting design by Electrolight
Posted on
September 14th 2011
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Photo: Christopher Knowlton

Never has the humble roll of sticky tape looked more spectacular and elegant than at the installation of Tape Melbourne which opened to the public this week.

Open until 24th September this giant structure created entirely from sticky tape (30kms to tape to be exact) spans the West Terrace of Fed Square in what looks like a cross between spiders web and a tendon-like organic form.  Visually intriguing from the outside, the creators Numen/For Use invite visitors to remove their shoes and ascend a small step ladder into the structure for a crawl through a foreign world.

The form and scale of the object are truly impressive.  Lit with a few simple parcans the layers of tape reveal their complex composition to create some fascinating patterns giving the whole form a unique texture.

As public art, this piece really seems to engage.  Business men in suits to the hipster uni crowd were keen to get inside and experience the piece up close and personal…..and isn’t that the point of public art?  Well worth a visit, I loved it!