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Tips for lighting entrepreneurs?

Tips for lighting entrepreneurs? lighting design by Electrolight
Posted on
August 26th 2011
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I am giving a paper to the PLDC conference in Madrid in October which is all about how to set up and run a successful lighting design practice.

I know that many readers of this blog are entrepreneurs themselves – I believe that there are some common issues that would apply if you run a lighting or any other kind of business. What are they?  I’m interested in things like the business side of the role, developing the right culture for the team, the role of social media, your brand.  So much to consider…

Do you have any pearls of wisdom that you would like to share to help others successfully navigate the seas of small business?  If so, I would love to hear from you either by leaving a comment or emailing me at

Thanks in advance, Paul Beale

Jay-Z: I'm not a businessman, I'm a business.... man