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UVA's Volume Launched

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June 7th 2009
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Cool things we've seen

I was invited to the opening of UVA’s Volume LED installation at Fed Square on Thursday night. It was a little surreal I have to say; sitting beside the Canadian consul at a beautiful table for 12 inside the western shard at the square, with onlookers peering through the windows at us enjoying a lovely meal and flowing wine.

It was good to meet Keri Elmsly and Chris Bird from UVA and to hear them talk about Volume and their new works. Such an inspiration. We talked about possible future collaboration and they are open to suggestions – wouldn’t that be interesting?

And as for the installation, it was wonderful. UVA set and “aesthetic threshold” of 12 people for the platform on which the work is installed. A UV camera tracks the visitors’ movement and the soundscape and LED display change accordingly. It is very cool. On a cold and damp Melbourne winter night there were people queuing to check it out while others sat on cold steps mesmerised by the show.